University of Toronto: Dalla Lana School of Public Health
Health Behaviour Change (CHL 5804H)​
The course examines concepts, theories, models and methods of promoting health behaviour change at the individual, organizational, community and systems levels. Through a variety of teaching methods, learners will be introduced to the ways that health behaviour and motivation have been articulated using examples from the key texts and both practice and research examples. Individual learning sessions will focus on: individual and interpersonal approaches to motivation and change, organizational change, community-level intervention, systems thinking and complexity theory-informed approaches to understanding social transformation, and the use of information and communication technology ICT (eHealth, telehealth) in promoting wellbeing and delivering health interventions. Emphasis is placed on both theoretical knowledge and practical application.

Current Teaching
Past Courses
Paula has taught at several institutions. Click here to see a list of courses she has taught in the past. Some course descriptions and syllabi are included.
Brock University Award for Excellence in Teaching for Early Career Faculty
"Whether it’s bringing in a guest speaker or going into the community for research projects, the Department of Health Sciences professor brings experiential learning into the classroom as much as possible."