TEACHING: Current Courses
TEACHING: Current Courses
Brock University: Health Sciences

Mental Health and Addictions (HLSC 3P25)
Introduction to qualitative research approaches to exploring health and public health issues. Examination of different types of qualitative inquiry for research designs; development of practical skills in data collection (interviewing, focus groups, observation, etc.), analysis (coding, categorization, conceptualization) and representation of qualitative data.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
As part of the course, students will go through 4-weeks of intensive training in Mental Health First Aid. After completing this training, students will earn their Mental Health First Aid–Youth Certification from the Mental Health Commission of Canada.
Students will also have the opportunity to conduct informational interviews to learn more about jobs related to mental health and addictions.
Qualitative Research In Health Sciences (HLSC 3P37)​
Introduction to qualitative research approaches to exploring health and public health issues. Examination of different types of qualitative inquiry for research designs; development of practical skills in data collection (interviewing, focus groups, observation, etc.), analysis (coding, categorization, conceptualization) and representation of qualitative data.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.

Growing Pains Project: As part of the course, students will be involved in a peer-to-peer research project about mental health and studying how students cope with stress.
All students will receive Ethics certification as a part of the course as well.

Current Teaching
Paula is an Associate Professor at Brock University and is currently teaching in the Department of Health Sciences. She also teaches in the Master of Public Health program.
Past Courses
Paula has taught at several institutions. Click here to see a list of courses she has taught in the past. Some course descriptions and syllabi are included.​
Brock University Award for Excellence in Teaching for Early Career Faculty
"Whether it’s bringing in a guest speaker or going into the community for research projects, the Department of Health Sciences professor brings experiential learning into the classroom as much as possible."

Public Health and Society (HLSC 3P98)
Emergence and growth of public health; expansion of public health bureaucracy; current issues in medicalization, professionalization and bureaucratization of public health industries; current structures of public health services. The course is designed to improve student understanding of public health including its depth and diversity, the ways in which it is informed, its position in Canadian society and the identification and critique of key (hot) topics.
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.

Developing Healthy Communities (HLSC 3P96)
Social, economic and environmental factors and processes which influence community well-being. A “Healthy Community” will happen when citizens have the opportunity to become self-aware, engage in ongoing dialogue, generate leadership, embrace diversity, connect people and resources, and develop a sense of community (Kesler, 2000).
Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
As part of the course, students participate in a service-learning project known as Through Their Eyes. Student teams perform shadow interviews with local senior residents to evaluate the age-friendliness of the city of St. Catharines. To learn more about this project, visit the website.

Internship in Community Health Sciences (HLSC 3P33)
This course is designed to allow you to gain experience working in a health care setting under the guidance of an established health professional and requires you to accept a significant responsibility in organizing the internship. It allows you to explore and learn a specific profession within the health care community and will provide you with firsthand experience within the health care setting which will assist you in your possible future career goals. Since it is largely self-directed, it also teaches you valuable independent study skills which will be of benefit at the fourth year and Graduate level.
There are three main requirements that are the student’s responsibility before being allowed to register for HLSC 3P33. These are: 1. Finding a placement and a professional willing to supervise you; 2. Finding the time to complete the internship, including the components needed for evaluation; and 3. Finding a faculty member willing to act as your academic supervisor. For more information about these requirements, click here.

Independent Study (HLSC 3P30)
Topic of study not available among the regular course offerings, designed in consultation with a faculty supervisor.

Critical Foundations of Public Health (MPHA 5P04)
This course examines the foundations of public health, including history, core principles, philosophy, and the social and political factors that influence population health. Critical Foundations of Public Health is a core course as part of the new MPH (Master of Public Health) degree at Brock University that is fully online.
For more information about the new MPH program, visit the website here.
Want to learn more a little more about me and public health? Watch this video!