Associate Professor (Public Health)
Brock University
Department of Health Sciences
1812 Sir Isaac Brock Way
St. Catharines, ON L2S 3A1
(905) 688 5550 x6176

PhD, Public Health (Social & Behavioural Sciences; Collaborative Aging and the Life Course Program)
MA, Health Promotion
BEd, Education
B.A., Recreation and Leisure Studies & Geography (Minor)
Associate Professor, Health Sciences, Brock University, St. Catharines, ON.
Continuing Education Coordinator and Academic Fellow, Centre for Critical Qualitative Health Research, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
Affiliated Faculty Member, Social Justice Research Institute, Brock University, St. Catharines, ON.
Adjunct Assistant Professor, School of Health and Human Research Scientist, Bridgepoint Collaboratory for Research and Innovation, Bridgepoint Active Healthcare, Toronto, ON.
Assistant Professor (Status), Dalla Lana School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON., Halifax, NS.
Assistant Professor, School of Public Health at Hunter College, City University of New York (CUNY), New York, NY.
Postdoctoral Fellow, Division of Health Policy, New York Academy of Medicine, New York, NY.
Adjunct Assistant Professor, School of Health and Human Performance, Halifax, NS.
Gardner, P. (2020). Contemplative Pedagogy: Fostering Transformative Learning in a Critical Service Learning Course. Journal of Experiential Education. DOI:
*Elliott, M., Gardner, P., Narushima, M., & McCleary, L. (2020). Music Lessons: Exploring the role and meaning of music for older adults with dementia who are aging in place. Canadian Journal on Aging, 39(4). DOI:
Gardner, P. & *Kerridge, K. (2019). Everybody Present: Exploring the use of an in-class meditation intervention to promote positive mental health among university students. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, 38(1), 1-13. DOI: 10.7870/cjcmh-2018-022
Gardner, P. & *Alegre, R. “Just like us”: Increasing awareness, prompting action and combating ageism through a critical intergenerational service learning project. Educational Gerontology, 45(2), 146-158. DOI: 10.1080/03601277.2019.1584976. (+)
Sibley, K.M., Bentley, D., Salbach, N.M., Gardner, P., McGlynn, M., O’Hoski, S., … Jaglal, S.B. A theory-based multi-component intervention to increase reactive balance measurement by physiotherapists in three rehabilitation hospitals: An uncontrolled single group study. BMC Health Services Research, 18(724), 1-10.
Gardner, P. (2016). MAPx (Mobility Aid Personalization): examining why older adults ‘pimp their ride’ and the impact of doing so. Disability & Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology. 1-7. 10.3109/17483107.2016.1158327
Egan, M., Ceci, C., Gardner, P., Kessler, D., King., J., Lanoix, M., Malhotra, R., McGrath, C. & Rudman, D. (2016). Seniors, risk and rehabilitation: Broadening our thinking. Disability & Rehabilitation.
Seaborn, K., Edey, J., Dolinar, G., Whitfield, M., Gardner, P., Branje, C., & Fels, D. I. (2016). Accessible play in everyday spaces: Mixed reality gaming for adult powered chair users. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), 23(2), Article 12.
gan, M., Kessler, D., Rudman, D., McGrath, C., Sikora, L., Gardner, P. & Ceci, C. (2016). Problematizing risk in stroke rehabilitation. Disability & Rehabilitation, 1-11. 10.3109/09638288.2015.1123304
Elliott, M., & Gardner, P. (2016). The role of music in the lives of older adults with dementia aging in place: A scoping review. Dementia: The international journal of social research and practice, 0(0), 1-15.
Sibley, K., Brooks, D., Gardner, P., Janaudis-Ferreira, T., McGlynn, M., O'Hoski, S., McEwen, S., Salbach, N., Shaffer, J., Shing, P., Straus, S., & Jaglal, B. (2016). Development of a theory-based intervention to increase clinical measurement of reactive balance in adults at risk of falls: A case report. Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy, 40, 1-7.
Rudman, D.L., Egan, M.Y., McGrath, C.E., Kessler, D., Gardner, P., King, J., & Ceci, C. (2016). Low vision rehabilitation, age-related vision loss and risk: A critical interpretive synthesis. The Gerontologist, 0(00), 1-14.
Alvaro, C., Wilkinson, A., Gallant, S.N., Kostovski, D., & Gardner, P. (2016). Evaluating intention and effect. The impact of healthcare facility design on patient and staff well-being. Health Environments Research & Design (HERD) Journal, 9(2), 82-104.
Gardner, P., Grose, J. (2015). Mindfulness in the Academy – Transforming our work and ourselves ‘one moment at a time’. Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching (CELT), 8, 35-46.
Gardner, P., Muller, M., Prior, B., So, K., Tooze, J Eum, L., & Kuchur, O. (2014). Wheelchair Cleaning and Disinfection in Canadian Healthcare Facilities: “That’s Wheelie Gross!” American Journal of Infection Control, 42, 1173-7.
Gardner, P. (2014). The role of social engagement and identity in community mobility among older adults aging in place. Disability & Rehabilitation. 36, 1249-1257.
Gardner, P., et al. (2012). “Not for the fainthearted”: Engaging in cross-national comparative research. Journal of Aging Studies, 26, 253-261.
Gardner, P., Netherland, J., Kamber, T. (2012). “Getting Turned On”: Using ICT training to promote active ageing in New York City. Journal of Community Informatics, 8(1), 1-16.
Gardner, P. J. (2011) Natural Neighborhood Networks – Important social networks in the public lives of older adults aging in place. Journal of Aging Studies, 25, 236-271.
Gardner, P. & Campagna, P. (2011). Pedometers – measurement tools and motivational devices: New insights for researchers and practitioners. Health Promotion Practice, 12, 55-62.
Gardner, P. (2009). The public life of older people: Neighbourhoods and networks. The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, 13, S542.
Gardner, P. & Poole, J. (2009). One story at a time: Narrative therapy, older adults and addictions. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 28, 600-620.
Poole, J. & Gardner, P., Flower, M., Cooper, C. (2009). Narrative therapy in a group for older adults. Practice, research and recommendations. Social Work with Groups, 32, 288-302.
Gardner, P. (2006). Healthy aging: Current debates in English-speaking academia. Movimento (Movement), 12, 69-92.
Gardner, P. (2004). Who is missing? A critical approach to aging and activity. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 12, 324.
Sibley, K.M., Gardner, P., Bentley, D.C., Khan, M., McGlynn, M., Shing, P., Shaffer, J., O’Hoski, S., & Salbach, N.M. Factors influencing physiotherapists’ perceptions of measuring reactive balance following a theory-based multi-component intervention: A qualitative descriptive study. Disability & Rehabilitation. (Submitted June, 2020)
Gardner, P. & Grose, J. The Compassionate Educator: Stories of Mentorship and Mindfulness. In Wellbeing in Graduate Education: Global Perspectives and Priorities (Submitted January 2020).
Gardner, P. J. (2011). Natural neighborhood networks – Important social networks in the public lives of older adults aging in place. The Weekly Qualitative Report, Featured Article, Vol. 4, No. 31, August 1, 2011. Available online at
Gardner, P. (August 15, 2018). Qualitative Interviewing: More than asking questions and getting answers [video file]. Learning and Teaching Qualitative Research in Ontario: A Resource Guide. Retrieved from:
Netherland, J., Finkelstein, R., Gardner, P. (2011). The age-friendly New York City project: An environmental intervention to increase aging resilience. In B. Resnick, L. Gwyther & K. Roberto (Eds.), Resilience in Aging: Concepts, Research, and Outcomes (pp. 273-287). New York, NY: Springer.(=)
Gardner, P. (2011). Aging and Immigration in New York City. Monograph. New York Academy of Medicine, New York, NY.
Freij, M., Gass, J., Trezza, C., Wiener, A., Egan, J., Melly, J., Gardner, P. & Weiss, L. Aging in place in urban settings: The significance of peer support. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Urban Health, ICUH 2009.
Participant Author. (2015). Smart Wheelchairs in Assessment and Training: A Consensus Workshop State of the Field Report. University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
Gardner, P. (Editorial Consultant). (2006-2011). Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC): Provide assistance to video journalists on stories related to community health, aging and mental health issues. Pieces include ‘Street Health’, and ‘Dream Team’.
Gardner, P., Crosskey, S., Leung, L. & Punshon, A. (2013). Digital Inclusion: Improving access to online health information for people with complex chronic conditions. Bridgepoint Collaboratory for Research and Innovation.
Gardner, P., Prior, B., So, K., Tooze, J., Eum, L. & Kuchur, O. (2013). “That’s Wheelie Gross!” Examining wheelchair infection prevention and control (IPAC) in Canadian healthcare facilities. Bridgepoint Collaboratory for Research and Innovation.
Gardner, P. (2010). “Getting turned on”: A social impact analysis of computer training among older adults in New York City. Findings Report. New York Academy of Medicine, New York, NY.
Gardner, P. (2009). Meeting the Needs of Older Immigrants in New York City: Findings Report. New York Academy of Medicine, New York, NY.
Gardner, P. (2006). Seniors and Mental Health “What is it and how can community organizations help?” West Toronto Support Services, Toronto, ON.
Gardner, P. (2005). The story so far: A review of narrative therapy and its potential for older adults. Centre for Addictions and Mental Health, Toronto, ON.
Contributing Author. (2005). The Midlife Bulge: Promoting Health in Canada’s Expanding Midlife Population. Atlantic Health Promotion Research Centre, Halifax, NS.
Koru Mindfulness Teacher Certification - The Center for Koru Mindfulness. (Completed: May, 2020)
Courses Taught:
Koru Basic. April 7-28, 2020. Virtual, online format through Brock University, St. Catharines, ON.
Koru Basic. October 23 – November 13, 2019. Brock University, St. Catharines, ON.
Koru Basic. April 3 – May 1, 2019. LaGuardia Community College, City University of New York, Brooklyn, NY.
Koru Basic. July 10 – July 31, 2019. Nova Scotia College of Art & Design, University. Halifax, NS.
Foundations of Applied Mindfulness Meditation – School of Continuing Studies, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
Embodying the Qualities of Mindfulness. (November 15-16th, 2018). Applied Mindfulness Meditation. Certification Course Level A – Foundations in Applied Mindfulness. Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
Contemporary Applications of Mindfulness, Mindfulness Meditation and Minfulness-Based Interventions. (February 5-6, 2016). Applied Mindfulness Meditation. Certification Course Level A – Foundations in Applied Mindfulness. Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
Psychology East and West. (November 19-20, 2016). Applied Mindfulness Meditation. Certification Course Level A – Foundations in Applied Mindfulness. Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
Histories of Mindfulness Meditation Practices. (October 2-3, 2015). Applied Mindfulness Meditation. Certification Course Level A – Foundations in Applied Mindfulness. Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
Neuroscience, Mindfulness and Mindfulness Meditation. (April 10-11, 2015). Applied Mindfulness Meditation. Certification Course Level A – Foundations in Applied Mindfulness. Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
Yoga Teacher Training – Octopus Garden Holistic Yoga Centre, Toronto, ON.
Restorative Yoga Teacher Training. (January-February, 2017). Octopus Garden Yoga Studio. Toronto. ON. (complete)
Yoga Teacher Training (200 hour certification). (April-July, 2015). Octopus Garden Yoga Studio. Toronto. ON.
Gardner, P. (October 2, 2017). Looking Out. An Advanced Seminar on Critical Qualitative Health Inquiry. DIPEx International and the McGill Qualitative Health Research Group, McGill Faculty Club, Montreal, QC.
Gardner, P. (June 10, 2013). Moving ON! Using qualitative and participatory science to identify simple solutions to the complex problem of keeping people with mobility impairments moving. Ontario Falls & Mobility Network, Sunnybrook, Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, ON.
Gardner, P. (June 1, 2012). Mental Health, Neighborhoods & Inter-sectoral Teams: Strategies for Age-friendly Cities. 7th Annual International Gerontology Symposium – “Aging in Cities”. Seoul National University & the Korean Gerontological Society, Seoul, Korea.
Gardner, P. (May 8, 2019). Think Global Act Local: Age-friendly initiatives embedded in community contexts. Brookdale Centre for Healthy Aging, City University of New York, New York, NY.
Gardner. P. (March 6, 2018). A focus on faculty: Building a contemplative campus one classroom at a time. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, The Centre for Pedagogical Innovation, Brock University, St. Catharines, ON.
Gardner, P. (April 27, 2017). Experience is at the Root of Understanding. Spring Perspectives on Teaching and Learning: Spotlight on Experiential Education, The Centre for Pedagogical Innovation, Brock University, St. Catharines, ON.
Gardner, P. (April 27, 2016). “Everybody Present” Mindfulness-based pedagogy. Centre for Critical Qualitative Health Research, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
Gardner, P. (December 18, 2014). “That’s Wheelie Gross! Wheelchair Cleaning and Disinfection in Canadian Healthcare Facilities. Clinical and Population Research Rounds, St. Michaels Hospital, Toronto, ON.
Gardner, P. & Grose, J. (November 24, 2014). Mindfulness in the Academy – Transforming our work and ourselves ‘One Moment at a Time’. Brock University, St. Catharines, ON. (=)
Gardner, P. (October 13, 2014). “I like your ride!” How social engagement and identity promote community mobility among older adults aging in place. New York Academy of Medicine, New York, NY.
Gardner, P. (September 26, 2013). Scooters Say Sexy: The role of social factors in community mobility. TRI Technology Team Annual Meeting. Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, Toronto, ON.
Gardner, P. (January 25, 2012). Think with your senses, feel with your mind: Analyzing multisensory data in qualitative research. Centre for Critical Qualitative Health Research (CQ). University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
Gardner, P. (2011). Using technology to enhance student learning and promote community engagement. Faculty Innovations in Teaching Seminar Series (A Joint Initiative of the Instructional Computing and Information Technology, the Office of the Provost and the Faculty Innovations in Teaching with Technology Program). Hunter College, City University of New York, New York, NY.
Gardner, P. (2009). Successful Community-based Research: Building Capacity between Universities and Community Organizations. Center for Urban Pedagogy (CUP). New York, NY.
Gardner, P. (2008). The Public Life of Older People: Neighbourhoods and Networks. Open Seminar Series. New York Academy of Medicine, New York, NY.
Gardner, P. (2007). “Doing it Differently”: Using interactive posters and innovative design to promote knowledge translation. Social Science and Health Seminar Series. University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
Gardner, P. (2006). Aging-in-place: Designing space to promote community. Department of Health, Aging & Society, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON.
Gardner, P. (2004). Health Promotion Approaches to Improve the Health of Atlantic Canadians. Linking Health Promotion Research to Policy in Atlantic Canada. Universite de Moncton, Moncton, NB.
Gardner, P. (April 17, 2019). Combating ageism through intergenerational service learning. New York City Department for the Aging (DFTA), New York, NY.
Gardner, P. (January 29, 2018). Awake at the bedside – mindfulness and palliative care. Compassionate Brock Community Engagement Meeting, I-EQUIP, Brock University, St. Catharines, ON.
Gardner, P. (October 4, 2016). Mindfulness: Promoting health one moment at a time. Health Promotion Committee Retreat, Niagara Region Public Health, Heartland Forest, Niagara Falls, ON.
Gardner, P. (March 22, 2016). Mindfulness for Performance: What is the most important moment in your life? This one – Come learn why. Athletics and Recreation Department, Brock University, St. Catharines, ON.
Gardner, P. (March 17, 2016). Through Their Eyes: Connecting our minds, hearts and hands through service learning. Experiential Lunch Conversations, Service Learning Resource Centre Event. Brock University, St. Catharines, ON.
Gardner, P. (November 13, 2015). Through Their Eyes: Lessons Learned from an Intergenerational Program of Research on Age-Friendly Communities. Bridging Classroom and Community Learning in Recreation Workshop. Welland Community Wellness Complex, Welland, ON.
Gardner, P. (October 6, 2015). Blast off Stress. First Year Undergraduate Student Library Session. Brock University, St. Catharines, ON.
Gardner, P. (May, 2015). Building Age-friendly Communities. ‘Consider This’ Podcast Series. Brock University, St. Catharines, ON.
Meditation “sit-ins” in the Library, Leader of Group Meditation, April 14 & April 16, 2015, open to everyone in the Brock Community.
Gardner, P. (April 7, 2015). Everybody Present - Mindfulness in the Classroom. Mindfulness Teaching & Learning Community of Practice and CPI, Brock University, St. Catharines, ON.
Gardner, P. (November 7, 2013). Through an Age-Friendly Lens: Planning for an Inclusive and Economically Vibrant Niagara – Webinar, Niagara Connects Organization, St. Catharines, ON.
Gardner, P. (February 4, 2013). Avoid the crack: Mobility research that empowers people. Bridgepoint Foundation, Stewardship Event. Toronto, ON.
Gardner, P. (September 21, 2012). The impact of facility design on patient mobility. International Interior Design Exposition Canada Conference, Bridgepoint Health site tour and research presentation. Toronto, ON.
Gardner, P. (2010). “Making New York Age-friendly” - Urban planning for Seniors. Project for Public Places, New York, NY.
*Rogers-Jarrell, T. & Gardner, P. (October 18-20, 2018). Through Their Eyes: Exploring older adults' experiences with an intergenerational project. 47th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting, CAG (Canadian Association on Gerontology), Making it Matter: Mobilizing Aging Research, Practice & Policy. Vancouver, B.C. [Poster] (-)
Gardner, P., & Grose, J. (October 5-7, 2018). Mind your language! Exploring how language impacts interest in mindfulness. ACHME Conference Imagining Humane Institutions – Connection, Social Action, and Scholarship Rooted in Contemplative Practices. University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. [Poster]
Sibley, K.M., Gardner, P., Bentley, D., Kahn, M., McGlynn, M., Shing, P., Shaffer, J., O’Hoski, S., & Salbach, N.M. (June 7-8, 2018). Physiotherapists Experiences of a Theory-Based Intervention and Perceptions of Reactive Balance and its Measurement: A Qualitative Study. KT Canada Scientific Meeting 2018. Vancouver, B.C. [Poster] (-)
*Kerridge, K. & Gardner, P. (April 12, 2018). Inside Out: Understanding how mindfulness promotes good health among university students. Mapping the New Knowledges: Graduate Student Research Conference. Brock University, St. Catharines, ON.
Gardner, P. (October 19-21, 2017). Just Like Us: Combating Ageism and Other Key Findings from an Intergenerational Research Project. Canadian Association on Gerontology (CAG) 46th Annual Scientific & Educational Meeting. Winnipeg, MB.
Sibley, K.M., Bentley, D., Jaglal, S.B., McGlynn, M., Salbach, N.M., Gardner, P., Shing, P., Shaffer, J., McEwen, S., Beauchamp, M.K., O’Hoski, S., & Straus, S.E. (June 15-16, 2017). Preliminary results of before-and-after study of a theory-based multi-component intervention to increase reactive balance measurement in physiotherapy practice in three rehabilitation hospitals: The REACT study. Knowledge Translation Canada Scientific Meeting, Quebec City, QC. [Poster] (-)
Gardner, P. & *Kerridge, K. (June 6-8, 2017). Everybody Present: Using mindfulness meditation to promote positive mental health among university students. Public Health 2017, Canadian Public Health Association. Halifax, NS. (+)
Gardner, P. (October 20-22, 2016). Everybody Present: How mindfulness and meditation “works” to educate and inspire the next generation of gerontologists. 45th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting, CAG (Canadian Association on Gerontology): Fostering Innovation in Research on Aging. Montreal, QC.
*Elliott, M. & Gardner, P. (October 20-22, 2016). Music Lessons: Exploring the Role and Meaning Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults with Dementia. 45th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting, CAG (Canadian Association on Gerontology): Fostering Innovation in Research on Aging. Montreal, QC. [Poster] (-)
Gardner, P. (October 19-21, 2015). The Moving Interview: Exploring health and place using the go-along method. 21st Qualitative Health Research Conference, Toronto, ON.
Alvaro, C., Kostovski, D., Gardner, P., & Wilkinson, A. (November 15-18, 2014). Designing for a Healthier Future – Innovative Approaches that Evaluate the Impact of Healthcare Facility Architecture. 2014 Healthcare Design Conference. San Diego, CA. (=)
Gardner, P. (October 16-18, 2014). MAPx (Mobility Aid Personalization) – A NEW perspective on some OLD problems. 43rd Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting, CAG (Canadian Association on Gerontology): Critical Issues, Emerging Possibilities. Niagara Falls, ON.
Gardner, P. (June 17-20, 2014). Mindfulness in the Academy – transforming our work and ourselves ‘one moment at a time’. 33rd STHLE (Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education) Conference: Transforming our Learning Experiences. Kingston, ON.
Gardner, P. (June 8-12, 2014).“Through Their Eyes” – Intergenerational projects to generate community participation and make neighborhoods healthy for all. 51st International Making Cities Livable Conference. Portland, OR.
Gardner, P. (May 12-14, 2014). MAPx (Mobility Aid Personalization) – A new perspective on mobility aid use. Canadian Seating & Mobility Conference. Toronto, ON.
Gardner, P. (July 14, 2013). The Art-a-Ride Mobility Makeover Project. Designing Enabling Economies & Policies (DEEP) Conference. Ontario College of Art and Design University (OCADU), Toronto, ON.
Gardner, P. (February 27, 2012). “Wheelchairs say sick, scooters say sexy”: Insights into mobility aid use among community-dwelling older adults. GTA Best Practices Day, Building the Case for Rehab: Unlocking the Evidence. Toronto, ON.
Gardner, P. (October 28-29, 2011). The impact of ICT training on active ageing among older adults in New York City. Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) Research Symposium on Gerontology. Fudan University, Shanghai, China.
Gardner, P., Katagiri, K., Parson, J., Lee, J. & Thevannoor, R. (October 23-27, 2011). Examining Social Isolation across the Pacific Rim. Asia/Oceania Region of the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics Conference. Plenary Session. Melbourne, Australia. (=)
Gardner, P. (May 12-14, 2011). "Think with your senses, feel with your mind" – A strategy for integrating and analyzing multisensory data in qualitative research. 28th Annual Qualitative Analysis Conference: Contemporary Issues in Qualitative Research. Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, ON.
Gardner, P. (November 7-11, 2009). Age-friendly New York City: A New Way to Address an “Old” Problem; Seeing the city through their eyes: Learning from older immigrants how to make New York more ‘age-friendly’. American Public Health Association (APHA). Philadelphia, PA.
Gardner, P. (October 18-23, 2009). Aging in Place in Urban Settings: The Significance of Peer Support (Co-author). International Conference on Urban Health ICUH. Nairobi, Kenya.
Gardner, P. (July 5-9, 2009). The Public Life of Older People: Neighbourhoods & Networks. International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics. Paris, France. [Poster: Multimedia poster installation that combined large-format photographs and audio headphones to allow the audience to see images of the study participants while simultaneously listening to their narratives].
Gardner, P. (July 4-6, 2008). Aging and Place. Assessment and Action for Healthy Settings Conference. St. John’s, Newfoundland.
Gardner, P. (June 1-4, 2008). The Public Life of Older People: Neighbourhoods & Networks. Canadian Public Health Association Conference. Halifax, NS.
Gardner, P. (April 11-14, 2007). The Street Health Report: Homelessness in Toronto (co-presenter). Community Campus Partnerships for Health (CCPH). Toronto, ON.
Gardner, P. (June 26-30, 2005). Critical Healthy Aging: An alternative approach for healthy aging research and practice. International Association on Gerontology Conference. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Gardner, P. (August 3-7, 2004). Who Is Missing? A Community-based Approach to Aging and Activity. 6th World Congress on Aging and Physical Activity. London, Ontario. [Poster: A large-scale image-based interactive poster].