My Research at a Glance
My primary program of research is located at the intersection of health, aging and place. As a social gerontologist and qualitative health researcher, my work explores aging from a critical perspective to challenge assumptions about aging and disability, re-imagine practices and policies in community and care settings, and develop new ways of knowing that prioritize the lived experience of older adults. Three areas of scholarship summarize my critical health research: community mobility, place, and methodological innovation.

Learning and Teaching Qualitative Research in Ontario: A Resource Guide
Centre for Critical Qualitative Health Research
Learning and Teaching Qualitative Research in Ontario: A Resource Guide is a dynamic, interdisciplinary repository of qualitative research methods-related information, designed to facilitate qualitative research methods training and accessibility of methods courses in the health sciences across Ontario universities. The publication is aimed at diverse audiences including graduate students and postdoctoral fellows who may not have any qualitative training or who want additional or advanced training, and masters-prepared healthcare practitioners who want to enhance their opportunities for research collaborations and expand their repertoire of research skills. The book is designed to familiarise users with qualitative research methodologies and methods and course offerings and how to register for them. An orientation to qualitative methods in the health sciences is included, along with lists of introductory and advanced courses, educational and support materials in the form of videos and selected preparatory readings on qualitative research as well as examples of substantive contributions of qualitative methods to the health sciences.
Dr. Pauli Gardner delves into teaching qualitative research methods in their chapter "Qualitative Interviewing: More than asking questions and getting answers."
Centre for Critical Qualitative Health Research, Facey, M., Gastaldo, D., Gladstone, B., & Gagnon, M. (2018). Learning and Teaching Qualitative Research in Ontario: A Resource Guide. Toronto: eCampusOntario. Retrieved from